We’re now into the full moon phase. This is supposed to be the best time for planting root crops and perennials, harvesting for storage, taking cuttings, and dividing plants.
According to [Aussie Organic Gardening](http://aussieorganicgardening.com/blog/?p=197), here’s what we should be doing in the Illawarra this week:
>During Full Moon phase, beetroot, carrot, parsnip, and radish can be sown direct. Banana passionfruit, passionfruit, dandelion, lemon grass, mint, watercress, banana, mango, and pineapple can be sown or planted. Cuttings of marjoram, mint, oregano, rosemary, sage, thyme, and watercress can be taken.
This is good timing, as I have been wanting to plant more carrots and beetroot. I’ve also got some parsnip and radish seeds that I want to use up, so they’ll go in too. Mint is taking over our vegie patch, so I’ll transfer some of that to pots as well. Oh, and our potatoes are pretty much ready to be dug up, too!