Bushcare Coastal Sunset Walk – Towradgi

Breathe in the fresh sea air and find out new things as we explore our beautiful Wollongong coastline. No bookings necessary. Walk will head north looking at Towradgi Dune restoration, detouring along Towradgi Creek to the Blue Divers bridge, continuing along cycle track to Cawley Rd and back along beach, estimated distance of 4km of flat terrain. Wear strong shoes, long pants and long sleeves and a hat and bring water and a gold coin donation for Coastcare. Children under 15 must be accompanied by an adult. There are off-track often so the walks are not suitable for prams or strollers. Please don’t bring dogs.

This activity is run by Wollongong Councils Bushcare and is open to all.

Meet at end of Towradgi Rd, Towradgi.

For more information call 4227 3859 or email [lkavanagh@wollongong.nsw.gov.au](mailto:lkavanagh@wollongong.nsw.gov.au).



