Slow Food Saddleback invites you to a Pasta Workshop at the **Gerringong Town Hall** on Sunday 2 August at 11.30am.

Fiorella Di Piramo was born and spent her infant years in Genoa, in the province of Liguria in Northern Italy. She came to Australia in 1973 with her husband, Renzo, and their four daughters. She cooks in the classic traditional Italian style, influenced by the cooking of her late mother, who was from Tuscany. She favours fresh and seasonal produce and cooking is for her a real pleasure. She enjoys the time in her kitchen, rewarded by the frequent attendance at her table of her family of daughters and grandchildren, and many friends. In this workshop Fiorella will show us how she makes pasta and we will cook and present it for a light lunch afterwards.

Places are limited. Admission is $30 per person, by cheque in favour of Slow Food Saddleback Inc., c/- PO Box 435 Gerringong 2534,


electronic funds transfer to Slow Food Saddleback Inc, ANZ Br 012 – 628 A/c 4865-71427

before 24 July.

– **RSVP:** 24 July 2009
– **Enquiries:** Jack, ph 0411-471-934