Seedsavers Film Screening – Wollongong

##Free Film Screening

6.30pm Friday 18 September

**Our Seeds: Seeds Blong Yumi** is a very special film that celebrates traditional food
plants and the people who grow them. Filmed by Jude and Michel Fanton, founders of the
Seed Savers Network, it features gardeners from all over the world including Spain,
France, Italy, India, Sri Lanka, China, Vietnam, Taiwan, Papua New Guinea and the
Solomon Islands. **Our Seeds** looks at the problems of globalised food based on hybrid
plants that require pesticides and synthetic fertilisers. The film shows how individuals and
small groups have solved these problems, and is a celebration of the ‘seed keepers’ that
stand at the source of humanity’s diverse food heritage.

This is a Sustainable Illawarra activity and open only to residents of Wollongong, Shellharbour and
Kiama. No RSVP required but spaces are limited. Venue is Level 9 Function Room, Wollongong City
Council 41 Burelli Street, Wollongong.



