Soup And Film Night – Thirroul

The **Flame Tree Community Food Co-op** is hosting a spectacular **Soup and Film night** in Thirroul on Sunday August 30.

The event aims to raise funds, which will go directly towards launching the much-anticipated local food co-op. The steering committee intend on opening the co-op as soon as possible, providing bulk, organic and local whole foods and fresh produce to the wider community.

The fundraiser will include homemade organic soups, chain and cakes. There will be a lucky door prize, as well as raffle tickets on sale with great prizes generously donated by local businesses. There will be an opportunity to join the co-op or support us by purchasing goodies such as fair trade organic chocolates.

Simply turning up on the night is a huge help towards getting the food co-op launched! Everybody is welcome to attend.

The screening of **The Real Dirt on Farmer John** is a personal documentary about John Peterson, a farmer, artist, and revolutionary innovative thinker from rural Illinois who turns his traditional family farm into a beautiful social experiment. It is a must see film for those wanting to move towards a more sustainable future.

The Soup and Film night will be held in the Excelsior Hall at the Thirroul Community Centre on Sunday August 30 from 6pm for a 7 o’clock screening.

More info on the event can be obtained by emailing [](



