Sustainable Illawarra Sustainable Living Showcase (Dapto)

From frog ponds to bokashi bins, water tanks to solar power, this event has it all. Come along and speak to a range of local businesses offering a diverse range of sustainable products. These local businesses are partners of the Sustainable Illawarra project and all offer discounts and offers on selected products. Register on the night to go in the draw to win one of 3 lucky door prizes or a major prize voucher to the value of $500.

This is a Sustainable Illawarra activity and is open to residents of Wollongong, Shellharbour and Kiama Council areas only.

Heininger Hall, Dapto Ribbonwood Centre, 93-109 Princes Hwy, Dapto. Parking available off Heininger Street, with alternate parking off Moombara Street behind McDonalds.

Bookings not required. For more info call 4227 7453.



