Kiama Sustainability Summit – Jamberoo

Kiama FutureCare is pleased to invite you to attend a “Sustainability Summit” from 2 pm on Sunday 14th November at Jamberoo School of Arts, 28 – 30 Allowrie St, Jamberoo (opposite the Bowling Club).

The aim of this event is to:

  • Gauge whether there is interest from local environmental/sustainability groups to work towards a coordinated “Transition Initiative” strategy
  • Review participating groups’ current activities and how these may add to/be part of this broader transition initiative
  • Determine whether the groups are interested in coordinating and extending their current transition-directed efforts
  • Decide what form the transition initiative could take
  • Define the first steps of an action plan


  • 2:00 pm Welcome from facilitator (Carole Eddington)
  • 2:05 pm Introductions from the groups and individuals present. Please have someone from your group able to quickly present the three major projects you currently have underway (maximum 3 minutes total).
  • 2:35 pm Kiama in 50 years – a vision of a sustainable Kiama from some of the area’s youth.
  • 2:50 pm Why are we here? – brief introduction to the consultation by Kiama FutureCare
  • 3:00 pm Facilitated discussion:
    • Do we want to work together towards a coordinated “Transition Initiative” strategy?
    • What form would that “togetherness” take?
    • What role could your group take in the coordinated arrangement (both functional and administrative)?
    • What resources could your group contribute towards the coordinated arrangement?
    • What structures can we set in place today (subject to individual group confirmation)?
    • What timelines and milestones can we set in place today?

To ensure that we have as broad an exchange of views as possible, we would like to encourage the participation of as many members of different groups as possible.

For background videos and resources on the Transition movement, refer to the KiamaSphere event page here.



