Zero Carbon Australia – Wollongong Launch

Zero Carbon Australia

Stationary Energy Plan

Wollongong Launch

Australia’s groundbreaking new plan for 100% renewable energy by 2020
New research by Beyond Zero Emissions (BZE), a non-profit climate research and advocacy group, shows Australia could meet 100% of its stationary energy needs from renewables in a decade & stimulate the economy at the same time. This is the sector currently responsible for over half of Australia’s current emissions.

Matthew Wright,
Executive Director of Beyond Zero Emissions

Thursday 21 October, from 6:30pm

University of Wollongong, building 20, room 3

Organised by Wollongong Climate Action Network and UOW Enviro Collective. The Stationary Energy Plan is a collaboration between Beyond Zero Emissions and the University of Melbourne Energy Institute.

For more info call Rowan 0408 372 792 or Jess 0416 232 349

Download the brochure here.



