The Shoalhaven Poulty Auction will be held on the 20th of March 2011
Venue: Berry Poultry Pavilion located at the Berry Showground Alexandra Street Berry NSW
Date: Sunday 20 March 2011
Time: Poultry Shed will open from 9am to view the birds. The Auction will commence at 10.30am. All buyers must register prior to bidding and payments are by cash only.
Over 600 birds will be up for auction.
All birds will have informational cage labels with breed, gender, age and colour to help you in the buying process. Knowledgeable volunteers will be happy to answer all your questions about the birds on Auction.
All penning fees and profits from the day will be donated to Hands Across NSW, a local charity who usually help drought affected families but will now use the funds to help flood affected families.
Refreshments available all day and camping facilities available at the Berry Showground.
Birds already booked in for auction are:
- Wyandottes
- Rhode Island Reds
- Australorps
- lots of pretty back yard layers
- Light Sussex
- Coronation Sussex
- New Hampshires
- Silkies
- Barnevelders
- Speckled Sussex
- Minorca
- Rose Combes
- Cochin
- Maran
- Hamburgs
- Polish
- Welsummers
- Bramha
- Araucana
- Belgians
- Pekins
- Pekin x Silkies
- Plymouth Rocks
- Japanese Bantams
- Aussie Game
Other Poultry:
- Guinea Fowl
- Call Ducks
- Indian Runners
- Muscovies
And chicks and ducklings.
For information contact Shayne on 0410 548 704 or