Sustainability Expo – Kiama



As well as tours of the community garden there will be information session on composting, seed saving and plant propagating each hour as well as a veggie BBQ taste test of the produce grown on the site and a mosaics workshop from 10am. Port Kembla Men’s Shed, which has developed a good relationship with the community garden will also be on hand offering coffee from their organic fair trade coffee cart.

The Kiama Community Garden is accessed through the sporting fields at the Kiama Leisure Centre car park

Following on from the success of the Sustainability Expo held at Gerringong Town Hall in 2010, Kiama Future Care is organising a bigger and better Sustainability Expo at the Kiama Leisure Centre between 10am and 3pm. For a gold coin donation, check out dozens of local exhibitors, sustainability seminars, heaps of kids activities and locally grown and made delicacies.

To be eligible for exciting sustainable door prizes you will need to collect an entry form and a sticker. Entry forms will be available at the Sustainability Expo and stickers from the Community Garden. To win a lucky door prize, each entry form will be required to have the sticker affixed.

Kiama Council and local climate care group Kiama Future Care are again partnering together to celebrate World Environment Day on Sunday 5th June 2011 from 10am-3pm.

A big draw card to this year’s event is Costa Georgiadis from ‘Costa’s Garden Odyssey’ on SBS, who will be on hand at the event to award the winner of the School Scarecrow Competition at 11am, and will participate in tours of the garden to inspire residents to incorporate more sustainable actions into their lives.

The Kiama Community Garden will be open from 10am and 2pm for residents to drop in and see for themselves the amazing success of the dedicated group of community gardeners and hopefully be inspired to get involved themselves.



