Venue: Berry Poultry Pavilion located at the Berry Showground, Alexandra Street Berry NSW.

Date: Sunday 20 November 2011.

Time:Poultry Shed will open from 8.30 am to view the birds and the auction will commence at 9.30am.

All buyers must register prior to bidding and payments are by cash only.

All birds will have informational cage labels with breed, gender, age and colour to help you in the buying process. Plus knowledgeable volunteers will be happy to answer all your questions about the birds up for auction. Food and all accessories needed for your new birds will be available for purchase.

All penning fees and profits from the day will be donated to Hands Across NSW, a local charity who help flood and drought affected families in NSW.

Parking is available inside the showground for a gold coin donation.

Refreshments are available all day including free range egg and bacon rolls and gourmet coffee.

If you are planning on buying some birds please remember to bring boxes.

Over 700 birds will be up for auction.

Some of the birds booked in so far are:

Large Birds:Light and Dark Barred Plymouth Rocks, Black show quality Australorps, Blue Australorps, Minorca, Light Sussex, Cochin in a few colours, Brahma in a few colours, Silverand Gold Spangle Hamburgs, Isa Browns, Rhode Island Reds, Old English Game, White and Blue Leghorns, Blue Orpingtons, Pretty Backyard Layers, Silkies, Ancona and red Ancona, Araucana in blue, black and lavender, Silver Sussex, Coronation Sussex, Silver Grey Dorkings and Wyandottes in silver, gold and splash, speckled sussex, White Faced Black Spanish, Wellsummers and Splash Andalusian. Many of these birds are from top show stock and are breed quality.

Bantam Birds: Japanese Bantams, Very rare Yokohamas,Belgians, Blue and Black Australorps, Pekins,Seabrights, Old English Game, Araucana in a few colours, Rosecombs, Rhode Island Red Rose Combs and Brahma.

Other Fowl: Muscovies including pure black, Indian Runners in white, black, fawn and white, cinnamon, Guinea Fowl, Silver Appleyards and Partridge.

For more information please email Shayne or call on 0410548704.

See you all there.