1. Hi Darren, Well done for being one of the 12 selected…You will learn heaps that will prove valuable for both the community and you own property……I have plenty of Ferny Azola if you would like some now….Now must be its peak growing time, cause it’s gone mad…I originally got it from April at Permaculture Visions..April is a lovely person….Have you seen her lady scarecrow?

    • @NellyMary: Thanks! I’m really excited about this opportunity. I’ll email you separately about catching up soon. And yes, I saw the lady scarecrow – what a sculpture!

  2. Donna

    Congrats Darren. This is a fantastic opportunity… YOu will learn loads from April. Donna

  3. Penny

    Congrats Darren! My hubby got one too but he is going to do his with Geoff Lawton up north hopefully. I am doing my PDC with April at the moment and loving it. It’s been a long time since I enrolled but am completing it faster now with her intensive Friday afternoon sessions. Also I believe we have some mutual friends in the Vidilinis?!

    • @Penny: Thanks. A Geoff Lawton PDC would be awesome – I’ve got most of his DVDs, and I think I’ve read everything he’s written on his web site and watched all his YouTube videos. It’d be like trying to sip from a firehose! Good to hear you’re enjoying April’s PDC – I’m really excited to get started. The Vids are very good friends of ours – small world, eh?

  4. Hey Darren,

    That sounds like a great course. I am sure they will see that you would be a great student to have on board their program.

    I myself have just been accepted into the Sydney City Council Sustainability Leadership program and I am also excited.

    Looks like you and I both have some interesting stuff that we can blog amount in the coming weeks / months.

    I’ll look forward to reading about what you are learning.

  5. Well done, Darren. You’ll love the course. It was the best thing I ever did. What a great initiative from your local councils. Wish ours was half as good.

    • @Bev: Thanks! I’m positive I’m going to really enjoy the PDC, and am determined to squeeze everything I can out of it. We all like to bash our Councils, and they do make seeming-silly decisions from time to time, but I do think our local Kiama Council is right up there on sustainability issues. Even so, I was very pleasantly surprised when I saw these scholarships being offered!

  6. This is such a great initiative. I think we’ve got 6 of the sholarshippers (if that’s a word) coming to Milkwood for the Nov PDC – it’s going to be great to have a little illawarra bioregional troupe in the mix 🙂 – enjoy, enjoy!

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