Category: Event Calendar
Futureworld Barney Foran Talk – Wollongong
Presented by Futureworld Eco-Technology Centre and sponsored by Hatch as part of Sustainability Week 2009. – **Date:** Tuesday 21 April 2009 – **Time:** 6:30 pm for 7:00 pm (light refreshments will be served at 6:30) – **Cost:** $20 per person, $15 per Futureworld member or concession, $10 per student, payable at the door by cash…
Full Moon Lunar Planting Guide
The Full Moon lunar phase for May 2009 runs from 9 May – 17 May. The full moon on May 9 is known traditionally as the “Milk Moon”. The Full Moon phase is the time of strong root growth. This is the best phase for sowing or planting out root crops and all fruiting or…
New Moon Lunar Planting Guide
The New Moon phase for May 2009 runs from 24 May – 31 May. The New Moon is the time for planting above-ground annual leaf and seed crops, as well as flowering annuals and melons in the traditional [lunar planting calendar]( It is also a good time to plant green manure crops and apply liquid…
Last Quarter Lunar Planting Guide
The Last Quarter moon phase for May 2009 runs from 17 May – 24 May. The Last Quarter is the time of rest in the traditional [lunar planting calendar]( This is not a time for sowing anything, but it is a good time to catch up on weeding, preparing garden beds, and general maintenance. For…
First Quarter Lunar Planting Guide
The First Quarter lunar phase for May 2009 runs from 2 May – 9 May. The full moon on May 9 is known traditionally as the “Milk Moon”. The First Quarter is the time for planting above-ground annual fruiting crops, green manures and flowering annuals in the traditional [lunar planting calendar]( For information on what…
Illawarra SeedSavers Network Meeting – Dapto
Venue: Dapto Community Farm, 29 Darks Road, Dapto The SeedSavers’ Handbook and DVD “Seeds Blong Yumi” by Michel and Jude will be available at the meeting. Please bring any seeds or seedlings you may wish to share. Also bring a cup so you can enjoy a tea, coffee or other beverage while we chat! This…
Scarecrows and Scallywags Holiday Program – Wollongong
Includes treasure hunts, crafts and garden theatre. Activities suitable for 5-12 year olds. Cost $6 per child (parents and carers free) or $14 per family of three or more. No need to book. Tea/coffee and sausage sizzle available for purchase from the Friends of the Botanic Gardens and the Lions Club. Enter the Wollongong Botanic…
Community Wetland Workshop – Coniston
Presented by Wetland Care Australia, this workshop will cover: – Identifying wetlands – The importance of wetlands – Legislation and wetland management – Wetland vegetation, wetland plant identification, and more… Please bring paper & pen, hat, sunglasses, water, sturdy shoes, clothing suitable for the field, and your lunch. Morning tea will be provided. This workshop…
Free Bushwalk – Bass Point
Explore this unique reserve with its many diverse plant communities ranging from Littoral Rainforest to Coastal Heath and Rock Pool Marshes. This activity is open to residents of Wollongong, Shellharbour and Kiama Council areas only. Venue: Bass Point, Shellharbour. Bookings are essential. For more information, phone the Discovery Centre Team on 4229 2600.
GreenPlan Plant Collection Day – Wollongong
Plants for sale at a minimum cost to Wollongong City Council ratepayers only. Venue: Wollongong Botanic Gardens Nursery, Northfields Avenue, Keiraville. For more information, phone 4225 2636.