• Thanks, great to see another Super Challenge blogger! I’ve subscribed to your feed and look forward to reading more about what you’re up to.

      By the way, I wasn’t able to leave a comment on your blog. The OpenID stuff just kept redirecting me, but never actually authenticated with wordpress.com properly. I’ll try again from another computer tomorrow to see if that’s the problem.

  1. Karan

    Hi Darren,
    Just writing to say how much I am enjoying your blog and the info on it. I live in Oak Flats and am interested in living a sustainable lifestyle. It is great to have a local focus.
    Cheers Karan

    • Hi Karan! We found there wasn’t a lot of local Illawarra information out there, and that was partly why we started this blog. I think it’s really important share with each other, to recommend local businesses and resources, and to swap tips and ideas that work for our climate and our region. I hope I’m helping to do some of that!

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