I’m now officially a suburban eco-warrior – the newspaper said so, so it must be true!
I finally got a chance to scan the [Illawarra Mercury](http://www.illawarramercury.com.au) article I was interviewed for last week. Click on the small image to see the full-sized one (be warned – it’s about 750 KB). You might have to zoom in and scroll around to read it all.
Let me know if anyone has trouble viewing the large image, and I’ll try to find a better way to post it.
Hannah was funny when they were taking our photo. I had put her in a nice dress, but while I was talking to the photographer she changed into that outfit and wouldn’t change back! She insisted this one looked better. Then we picked some beans and cherry tomatoes for the photo, which she ate as she waited! Actually, I think she’s eating the last one in the photo!
It’s been a good week for publicity – I was also linked to from the website of The Australian Greens MPs, as part of their [Stimulating Sustainability Nationally](http://www.greensmps.org.au/content/stimulating-sustainability-nationally) article. It’s a great article, showing some of the many green uses you could put your “Rudd bonus” stimulus package money towards.
11 responses to “My Interview In The Illawarra Mercury”
Like you I have begun to try Moon planting, so far so good – its the first time I have managed to get parsnips to germinate so that’s a step in the right direction. Keep up the good work, I love your blog, especially the moonplanting guide.
@Greenfumb: If it works, stick with it! Who knows, maybe one day some scientist will study lunar planting properly and discover why it works.
Congrats on appearing in the Illawarra mercury.
Very interesting article too.
There’s a new moon this coming Thursday, I now know what to plant in my backyard vegie garden 🙂
@Edwin: Maybe this would be a good time to give your spinach another go!
Ok, now that you’re an eco-warrior I guess I should follow your example and actively give lunar planting a go, rather than think about it and then forget about it.
@Barefoot: You can be an eco-warrior too! All you need is a couple of packets of seeds and a moon calendar :-).
Hi Darren (aka Eco-warrior),
Great article! I too should follow your example and give it a go! Cheers
@Chrissy: Yeah, give it a try; it can’t hurt!
Nice work. I love moon planting, but find it a little confusing to follow sometimes. Great photo of your garden.
@Gustoso: Thanks! Have a look at the links on the left hand side of my site. Every moon phase, I post an article saying what phase we’re in, what dates it covers, and what to plant during that phase. I also link to Lyn Bagnall’s web site, where she posts a monthly article telling you what you can plant during that month. Hopefully that will help you!
I love your site, by the way. I’m just starting to browse through it now. I think I’ve got the same seed addiction you do :-).
Oh yes, good idea with the spinach. However I kinda prefer them frozen these days.