I’m A Living Book!

Tomorrow morning, Kiama Library will be holding a [Living Books session](http://green-change.com/2009/06/12/kiama-living-library-world-environment-day/) with World Environment Day as the theme, and I’m going to be one of the “books”! You may have heard me on ABC radio this morning promoting the event :-).

>This is an exciting new project which provides the opportunity for you to meet someone with an unusual occupation or lifestyle, or from a different social, religious or ethnic background, in the congenial atmosphere of the library building.

Readers sign up for a half-hour session with a living book (no need to pre-register, just come along on the day). They then sit down with that person and ask questions, chat, and learn more about their story and what they have to share.

Books that will be available on the day include:

– A Lifetime of Lantana
– Bale Tales (straw bale building)
– Envirovolunteering!
– Environmentalist/Vegetable Grower
– Green Girl
– One Family’s Green Change (that’s me!)
– Slow Down (Slow Food Movement)
– Streamwater (Streamwatch volunteer)
– Sustainable Dairy Farming in Kiama Region
– Valuing Land (all about Voluntary Conservation Agreements)
– WIRES (Wildlife Information Rescue and Education Service)
– Your Planet Needs You (a travelling dancer’s omnibus)

>The idea of a Living Library came from a concept developed by the Danish youth Non Government Organisation “Stop the Violence” in 2000 to counter racism and discrimination in their community. The original inspiration was: “Meet your own prejudice” literally. Their Living Library operated at large music festivals and invited people who were suffering discrimination and prejudice to be ‘living books’ and sit down with a ‘reader’ who could ask questions about all aspects of their life.

While we’re on the topic of self-promotion, I’m also going to be speaking at the launch of the [Sustainable Illawarra Super Challenge Round 2](http://www.sustainableillawarra.com.au/The-SuperChallenge.html) on Sunday.


8 responses to “I’m A Living Book!”

  1. Chrissy Avatar

    Hi Darren

    No rest for the wicked! 😉 Wishing you the very best of luck and fun at both events! Good on you!


  2. Leanne Avatar

    Hi Darren
    This is a great way to let people know how you are living the sustainable life-there will be 11 other ‘living books’ with you at the Library-all with an environmental theme-I hope lots of people come and get into the whole concept-living books and sustainable living

    1. Darren Avatar

      @Chrissy: Hehe, it’s been a busy month. Lots of birthday parties to drag the kids around to as well!

      @Leanne: Hopefully we get a lot of readers! There’s a really interesting mix of books coming tomorrow – I’d like to get a chance to chat with some of the others as well. It’ll probably be a good networking event :-).

  3. Edwin (Wollongong Fitness) Avatar

    I guess this is one book where you can’t borrow and take home with you…

    1. Darren Avatar

      @Edwin: I guess Megan’s the only one that gets to curl up at night with this book :-).

      @Tricia: I’m hoping to read some of the other books after they shut the library!

  4. Tricia Avatar

    What a great idea! I’d read all of those ‘books’. Enjoy and hopefully you will get time to ‘read’ some of the other living books 🙂

  5. Amelia of Gradually Greener Avatar

    Very cool! Let us know how it goes.

  6. Wilson Pon Avatar

    WoW, Darren. You’ve turning into a radio show celebrity right now! Good on you and keep up the spirit… Remember that I will keep my eyes (Or, maybe ears) on you! 🙂