1. Hi Darren

    No rest for the wicked! 😉 Wishing you the very best of luck and fun at both events! Good on you!


  2. Leanne

    Hi Darren
    This is a great way to let people know how you are living the sustainable life-there will be 11 other ‘living books’ with you at the Library-all with an environmental theme-I hope lots of people come and get into the whole concept-living books and sustainable living

    • @Chrissy: Hehe, it’s been a busy month. Lots of birthday parties to drag the kids around to as well!

      @Leanne: Hopefully we get a lot of readers! There’s a really interesting mix of books coming tomorrow – I’d like to get a chance to chat with some of the others as well. It’ll probably be a good networking event :-).

    • @Edwin: I guess Megan’s the only one that gets to curl up at night with this book :-).

      @Tricia: I’m hoping to read some of the other books after they shut the library!

  3. What a great idea! I’d read all of those ‘books’. Enjoy and hopefully you will get time to ‘read’ some of the other living books 🙂

  4. WoW, Darren. You’ve turning into a radio show celebrity right now! Good on you and keep up the spirit… Remember that I will keep my eyes (Or, maybe ears) on you! 🙂

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