Free Permaculture Course (5 weeks) – Wollongong

Come and participate in creating a permaculture garden in this hands-on workshops series. Learn about designing your garden at home, and how to create a healthy environment for your plants and your family. This course will reduce your waste and increase your resources. Running over 5 weeks, and we will meet every second week on Tuesdays.

Bookings are essential – phone Penny on 4227 7484 (Tue, Wed, Fri)






4 responses to “Free Permaculture Course (5 weeks) – Wollongong”

  1. Donna Avatar

    Hi Darren,

    I have not heard about this permaculture course… Where abouts is it on at?? Do u have any further infor on it??


  2. Darren Avatar

    Hi Donna. I don’t have any more details other than what’s above. It’s somewhere in Wollongong. Sounds great – give Penny a call, I’m sure you’d love it!

  3. Mick Allan Avatar
    Mick Allan

    Do you know an April who teaches permaculture in Wollongong? She lives in Kembla Heights. Mick met her at the permaculture display at the Easter Show in sydney, and would like to contact her, re local activiites – including a school garden in Glenfield.
    Cheers,Mick, Peter

    1. Darren Avatar

      @Mick: Yep, I know April, and I’m actually just finishing my PDC with her! I’ll email you tonight to put you in touch.