350.org Illawarra Event at Futureworld

[Futureworld Eco-Technology Centre](http://www.futureworld.org.au/) is having an open day on Saturday the 24th of October as part of the [350 Global Day of Climate action](http://www.350.org/).

On this day over 2000 events will be hosted in over 150 countries to lend community support to the idea that 350ppm CO2 levels is the line in the sand as far as safe atmospheric levels are concerned (we’re currently at approximately 389). We’re not aiming to be an angry mob, but we believe that this is a practical, achievable and urgent goal that we can all embrace. We will of course also be promoting practical, local solutions to environmental problems, as we do everyday. With Copenhagen only six weeks away we would like the Illawarra to be represented in this global initiative.

There will be free entry to our interactive education centre on Northcliff Drive Warrawong from 10AM-2PM and sausage (or veggie option) sizzle. [Climate Girl](http://www.climategirl.com.au/), as well as our volunteers will be around to answer any questions people might have.

[Download the flyer](http://www.futureworld.org.au/images/350%20A4.docrv.pdf).

See our [website](http://www.futureworld.org.au/), [email us](mailto:ftrworld@bigpond.net.au) or give us a call on (02) 4274 2939 if you want any more info.






One response to “350.org Illawarra Event at Futureworld”

  1. Hostelling Avatar

    Small efforts often lead to more efforts and sometimes greater efforts. And pretty soon, each of us is a part of the solution in our own way. And best of all, most of the time it’s fun.

    In the course of planning this climate action I have experienced the power of taking action – like a pebble falling in water, the ripples never stop reaching out.