Earthworm And Composting Workshop – Shellharbour

Saturday 23 July, Sunday 21 August or Tuesday 13 September (book in for the one session most convenient for you).

Slim Your Bin! If you are a resident of Shellharbour City Council and would like to start home composting or would like to know how to build your own worm farm, book into a free Earthworks Course today and receive a Free Compost Bin! Bookings are essential, call 4221 6111 to secure your spot.






One response to “Earthworm And Composting Workshop – Shellharbour”

  1. nellymary Avatar

    Hi Darren, I can vouch for this course…it provides a huge amount of knowledge…I am finally building my own lovely rich, moist compost..I just wish we ate more so it could all be there already…
    I recommend anyone go do this course..and you get a free compost good is that!
    Hey I’m coming to Jamberoo for a gardening course held by Richard the Practical Gardener tomorrow….it finishes around 4pm…I could come and drop you off some Jam Melon seeds and some Azola too if you like.
    Pop me an email…to arrange something.