Australian Rebates

Rebates and incentive schemes are changing all the time, and I don’t have the time to spend keeping up with them all. You can begin researching Federal initiatives at

##State Rebates

In addition to all those federal rebates, most states offer lots of rebates too. You can usually claim both the state and the federal rebate for qualifying systems.

– [New South Wales (NSW) rebates](
– [Victoria (Vic) rebates](
– [Queensland (Qld) rebates](
– [South Australia (SA) rebates](
– [Western Australia (WA) rebates](
– [Tasmania (Tas) rebates](
– Northern Territory (NT) rebates
– Australian Capital Territory (ACT) rebates


7 responses to “Australian Rebates”

  1. […] can make some of your purchases green. Check to see if you are eligible for any of the fantastic environmental grants and rebates in your […]

  2. […] can make some of your purchases green. Check to see if you are eligible for any of the fantastic environmental grants and rebates in your […]

  3. christian Avatar

    ive read through this at great velocity so if what i am looking for is utterly obvious please forgive my disposition, but from what i have read i identify rebates towards green products such as solar power and other various products aimed at lessening green gases through supplying the household with alternate energy sources.My question is why is there no rebate for green friendly household power sources.Apart from sufficing your household power bill with minute savings from these hot water generators why isn’t there more awareness raised for household power providers such as jackgreen energy and a rebate given to these users.I have read about this and was surprised that there was no rebate for thos who utilise this 100 % enviro friendly energy source instead of supporting ebergy companies who perpetuate the greenhouse gas emissions.?

    1. Darren Avatar

      @christian: What I think you’re asking is: why does the government give you rebates to install solar power and solar hot water, but they don’t subsidise green electricity? Correct me if I’m wrong.

      I saw some figures recently about government subsidies. In 2005-06, Australian government subsidies totalled about $10 billion just in the energy sector alone. Of that, less than 4% was spent on renewables (i.e. less than $400 million). So your question should really be why does the government subsidise fossil-fuel-based electricity generation to make it cheaper than green electricity? If they stopped supporting the coal industry so much, the price difference would be a lot less – renewables may even come out cheaper!

  4. Darcy Moore Avatar

    What’s new on this rebate front, Darren?

    Sent this page out via Twitter so hopefully you’ll get a spike.

    1. Darren Avatar

      @Darcy: Thanks! I just read this morning that the insulation rebate has been lowered from $1600 to $1200. Probably a good move – it was uncanny how many insulation quotes were coming back at right on $1600. 🙂

  5. […] Energy Efficient Homes Package The Australian Government recently announced the new Energy Efficient Homes Package. Under this program you can get: * free ceiling insulation worth up to $1600; or * a $1600 rebate on the costs of installing a new solar hot water system * an insulation rebate for landlords to upgrade rental properties The insulation and solar hot water rebates are not means tested, which is great news. The Australian Government estimates that up to 40% of homes in Australia are not insulated. […]

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