Category: Event Calendar
Christmas Decoration Workshop – Kembla Grange
Learn how to make great Christmas decorations from recycled materials. This fun filled workshop is open to all residents of Wollongong, Shellharbour and Kiama. Participants need to bring along any interesting bits of scrap material, wrapping paper, ribbon and old cards, and IDEAS! This free workshop will be held at Glengarry Cottage, Reddalls Rd, Kembla…
Cosmetics from Nature’s Pantry – Kembla Grange
Feeding your skin is just as important as feeding your body. What are you putting on your face? Is it safe? Are your beauty products causing premature aging? This practical workshop will answer these questions and demonstrate simple recipes you can make at home using herbs and fruit. Come and join well known local Juta…
Rise & Shine Campaign Presentation Evening – Wollongong
Come along and see participants of the Rise and Shine Campaign awarded certificates for their efforts. Special awards are also presented to groups, individuals and schools considered to have excelled during the year. Rise & Shine is a campaign to encourage community participation in a range of activities to improve the environment that in turn…
Christmas Decoration Workshop – Kembla Grange
Learn how to make great Christmas decorations from recycled materials. This fun filled workshop is open to all residents of Wollongong, Shellharbour and Kiama. Participants need to bring along any interesting bits of scrap material, wrapping paper, ribbons and old cards, and IDEAS! This workshop will be held at Glengarry Cottage, Reddalls Rd, Kembla Grange.…
Earthworks Workshop – Oak Flats
Learn how to set up a compost bin or worm farm to manage your kitchen waste, produce valuable fertilisers and soil conditioners for your gardens and minimise odour from your garbage bins. Participants receive a free compost bin. Available only to Shellharbour residents, free of charge. Note that the workshop times show in this announcement…
DIY Habitat Creation – Wollongong
As a part of this free workshop you will be creating a 1 m2 patch of native habitat using local native plant species to develop a functioning mini ecosystem in your garden, your Bushcare or Landcare site. The workshop includes: – Weed Identification and best practice removal techniques. – Hands-on revegetation and regeneration techniques –…
Cheese Making Workshop – Wollongong
In this hands-on, practical workshop you’ll learn how to make Ricotta, Mascarpone and Fetta cheese. Please note this full day course has a charge of $30 per person (this is subsidised from a retail cost of $90 per person). The course will be held in Wollongong. Contact Lizzie on 0414 940 284 for more details…
Composting Workshop – Kiama
Come and learn the basics of successful composting and worm farming, as well as the revolutionary Bokashi bin system. Each household participating in the workshop will receive a FREE compost bin. This workshop is run by Kiama Council and is available for Kiama Municipal Residents ONLY. This workshop is being run in Kiama by Josephine…