Illawarra Chickens

It can be hard to find chickens for sale locally, especially if you’re after a particular breed. Here is a big list of all the places I found when I was looking:

– [Illawarra Mercury Classifieds]( (look under pets, horses and livestock, and for sale categories)
– Other local newspaper classifieds (Kiama Independent, Lake Times, etc)
– [The Trading Post](
– [The Land](
– Check notice boards or ask staff at pet shops and animal supply stores (e.g. [PetStock Albion Park Rail](, [Poplar Pet Food and Produce](, [Jamberoo Country Store](, etc) – use the [Yellow Pages]( to find local shops.
– Check notice boards at shopping centers
– [Dapto Poultry Club]( – watch their web site for upcoming sale days.
– [Backyard Poultry – Classifieds]( – search for “Illawarra”, “Wollongong”, “Dapto”, etc or for particular breed names. I’ve dealt with a seller named “Gez” from Dapto on there, and he was great.
– [Backyard Poultry – NSW Breeders List](
– [ChookNet]( – lots of forums for sale/swap/giveaway of poultry.
– [Wollongong Bantams](
– Brian Larkins Poultry, 20 Nattai St, Tahmoor (ph 4681 9722). Brian also visits Illawarra businesses regularly – for example he takes orders in advance and delivers to Jamberoo Country Store once every three months or so.
– Debbie and Jeff from Kembla Grange (ph 4272 1071) – silkies only.
– [FarmStock]( – this is Australia-wide, so you’ll need to search a bit to find something nearby.
– Ask around! If you know someone with chooks, ask where they got them. Or just ask your friends and workmates if they know anyone with chooks, then see if they can find out where they got them.

When searching via Google or within the classifieds sites, search for terms like “pullets”, “hens”, and the particular breed you’re after (if you know) such as “australorp”, “silky”, “leghorn”, etc. Also try geographical terms like “Illawarra”, “Shoalhaven”, “Wollongong”, etc to narrow down the search.


20 responses to “Illawarra Chickens”

  1. Jo Hallberg Avatar

    Hi. Another site for this list is It has a good selection of poultry classifieds and is easy to search by location or breed.

    1. Darren Avatar

      @Jo: Thanks for the link! It’s a useful site, but I don’t find it easy to search by location on it. I can only go down to state level, and then have to check every ad to see if it’s anywhere near me. It’d be a huge help to be able to search down to the region (e.g. Illawarra, Shoalhaven, etc). Searching by town name is no help, since there are too many towns around here to check for them all.

  2. Jo Hallberg Avatar

    Hi Darren. There is an advanced search function where you can do a “proximity search by postcode”. The advanced search is found under the “buy” tab and to the left at the bottom of the categories list. This way, you can narrow down the search to within as specified distance to your location.

    1. Darren Avatar

      @Jo: Ah! I hadn’t seen that, thanks for pointing it out. That makes the site more useful than most others – well done.

  3. Debbie Avatar

    Barter and Sons Farm & Hatchery. Est. 1933
    visit us open 7 days in Luddenham. maybe an hour from wollongong.
    or we deliver to you. Door to door. Visit our website or call 02 477 33 222. Pure Australorps and Rhode Island Reds day old to approx 18 weeks. and Barter crossbred hens point of lay choice of brown, black or white Hen. coops, fertile eggs, meat chicks and more. All day olds sexed and vaccinated. Roosters avail. Looking forward to providing quality chickens to the whole south coast down to melb. Debbie

    1. Darren Avatar

      @Debbie: Thanks for the info!

  4. Michael Jones Avatar
    Michael Jones

    Why does wollongong city council say we cant keep roosters?

    Sure they crow, but if people want eggs and chicken is it not beneficial to our city to ensure people are more self-sufficient?

    Why are there not the same limitations on people with native bird species who also call in the dawn hours(like kookaburra’s and crows).

    Why don’t we start a petition to allow us to keep roosters and hens?

    1. Darren Avatar

      @Michael Jones: Most councils don’t allow roosters in residential areas. Wollongong does allow hens, though, so you can still get your eggs. Although I don’t mind their noise at all, I can see how some people would be annoyed if a neighbour had a crowing rooster. If you want to raise eggs and meat in a residential area, have a look at quails. They don’t make any noise (your neighbours won’t even know you have them!), and are extremely productive (laying at 6-8 weeks old, and ready to eat at about the same age). The males don’t crow. Rabbits are another very quiet meat source. Good luck in your endeavours!

  5. Kevin Avatar

    Wollongong council have a very confused Webb sight on keeping of rooster in suburbia. Can’t get a straight answer. How would you like to be woken up at 4.30-5 30 am every morning like we are. Then the stupid things crow on and of all day . They are a pain in the butt. There pen is dirt floor and roof is a tarp. Any suggestions?

    1. Darren Avatar

      @Kevin: Have you spoken to the neighbour? Most people are pretty reasonable, once they realise their animal is causing problems for others. Failing that, the council rules would likely be similar to Kiama – just like barking dogs, if an animal is causing noise and annoyance to neighbours, something has to be done. I’d start by ringing the ranger.

      By the way, I am woken by a rooster every morning, and I quite like it :-).

  6. Kevin Avatar

    Thanks Darren. Have just spoken to her. Will see wot happens.regards, Kevin .

  7. Kevin Avatar

    Darren. Woll council sight says not recommended to keep roosters because of noise. We are retired and have gotten up early all our life. Thanks for your reply again. Regards. Kevin.

    1. Darren Avatar

      @Kevin: No problem. I see a rooster the same as a dog – if it’s quiet and doesn’t disturb anybody, then all is fine. If it barks (or crows) and disturbs people, something needs to be done. Kiama council seems to take this approach.

  8. Kevin Avatar

    Hi Darren. Note about being woken 4-5 every morning and they crow on and off all day. They are LOUD. Have been to Wollongong council about noise and also we have rat and mice dropping in our laundry . They inspected and ask her to clean up her yard but said they can’t do anything about crowing. There yard is a mess. Have been to attorney general justic . They sent letters for mediation to wrong house twice. On e p a site they say it is council problem. We have done all things per the book and have got nowhere . Do all rooster crow as mush as these do.? Is there a way they can shut them up. It’s nearly divorce ville here at moment. And suggestions ? Regards. Kevin.

    1. Darren Avatar

      @Kevin: Sorry to hear you’re not making any progress on this. I’d contact your elected Councillors next. Write to each of them and explain the problem, and give the name of the Council officer who said they can’t do anything. Refer them to the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005, Schedule 2, Part 5, Division 2 “Keeping of Poultry” ( It quite clearly states “Poultry must not be kept under such conditions as to create a nuisance”. Ask them exactly what prevents Council from enforcing this regulation.

  9. Kevin Avatar

    Darren. P.s. Have spoken to them 4 times now, very nicely. All they say is I know. Regards . Kevin.

  10. Jeska-lee Avatar

    Hi guys, my beautiful baby chicken that I have hand raised and is so sweet has turned into a rooster! He’s still really sweet and cuddly but unfortunately I live in a residential area and cannot keep him. What do I do?

    1. Darren Avatar

      @Jeska-lee: Unfortunately not many people have any use for a random rooster. The reality is, if someone takes him from you they’re going to be putting him in the pot (whether they tell you so or not). If you take him to the pound or RSPCA, he’ll eventually be euthanised because nobody will want to take him from them. Your only hope would be a patting zoo, since he’s so tame, but even they probably won’t want him unless he’s something fancy like a silky.

  11. Penny Avatar

    I am looking for a pair of ducklings (male/female) for my daughter for her birthday. Would anyone have any they are willing to sell me?

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