Tag: moon phases
New Moon Lunar Planting
The New Moon phase for December 2008 runs from 27 Dec – 4 Jan. The New Moon is the time for planting above-ground annual leaf and seed crops, as well as flowering annuals and melons in the traditional [lunar planting calendar](http://green-change.com/2008/12/11/what-is-lunar-planting/). For information on what to do in the various climate zones around Australia in…
Last Quarter Lunar Planting
The Last Quarter moon phase for December 2008 runs from 19 Dec – 27 Dec. The Last Quarter is the time of rest in the traditional [lunar planting calendar](http://green-change.com/2008/12/11/what-is-lunar-planting/). For information on what to do in the various climate zones around Australia in the Last Quarter phase, check out Aussie Organic Gardening’s [What To Plant…
December Full Moon Phase
We’re now into the full moon phase. This is supposed to be the best time for planting root crops and perennials, harvesting for storage, taking cuttings, and dividing plants. According to [Aussie Organic Gardening](http://aussieorganicgardening.com/blog/?p=197), here’s what we should be doing in the Illawarra this week: >During Full Moon phase, beetroot, carrot, parsnip, and radish can…
Phases Of The Moon
You may have noticed that I’ve put a moon guide in the left-hand sidebar of this site. It shows what phase the moon is currently in, but I thought it would be useful to put that into perspective across the whole lunar cycle. The moon changes appearance in a continuous cycle, through 8 recognizable phases:…