1. Hey Darren! Congratulations on your new blog! It’s brilliant! It’s so fantastic of you to share the story of your ‘experiment in household sustainability’ (very catchy!) and knowledge with others- it’s such a great way to empower others and inspire change.

    We really look forward to checking it our regularly and hearing what you’re up to, and will be spreading the word about your site! (Look out for a blog on our site about your site soon!)


    Ally and Rich 🙂

  2. Thanks for that, guys! I’m hoping to get a few more Challengers interested in blogging their journeys. If enough of us do it, we can really help and support each other and get the most out of the programme.

    If any other Challengers read this and want help setting up a blog, please email me (darren@pool-room.com) and I’ll be happy to give you a hand.

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