I just came across some really cool [downloadable permaculture resources](http://www.permacultureprinciples.com/freedownloads.php) over at [Permaculture Principles](http://www.permacultureprinciples.com).
There’s a printable PDF book on the Essence Of Permaculture, a desktop background image on the 12 principles of permaculture, and two printable posters on the ethics and principles of permaculture, and the permaculture flower.
On that site are also a number of [permaculture publications](http://www.permacultureprinciples.com/resources.php) for sale – books, magnets, and a 2009 diary and calendar.
I just ordered the calendar to hang on my cubicle wall at work.
Have a good look around the Permaculture Principles site. They also have some great [permaculture videos](http://www.permacultureprinciples.com/videos.php), links to other [online permaculture resources](http://www.permacultureprinciples.com/onlinereferences.php), a collaborative [permaculture photo log](http://www.permacultureprinciples.com/photolog.php) (contribute some of your own photos!) and lots of articles.
Ally and Rich
Yeah it’s a fantastic site hey. We’ve got the permaculture calendar hanging near our front door, and are also using the permaculture diary, which is filled with great articles about various permaculture places. It even features the wonderful local permaculture garden at Cringilla Primary school 🙂
Ally and Rich
I’m looking forward to receiving the calendar. The photography looks really nice.
Do they ever have open days at the Cringila Primary School garden? It sounds really interesting.