Tag: permaculture photos

  • Cheap Wildlife/Game Cameras At Aldi

    If you’ve got a farm or homestead, an inquisitive nature, or even just a problem with a neighbour’s pet, a game camera could be what you need. Aldi has them for sale very cheaply at the moment.

  • Free Permaculture Downloads

    I just came across some really cool [downloadable permaculture resources](http://www.permacultureprinciples.com/freedownloads.php) over at [Permaculture Principles](http://www.permacultureprinciples.com). There’s a printable PDF book on the Essence Of Permaculture, a desktop background image on the 12 principles of permaculture, and two printable posters on the ethics and principles of permaculture, and the permaculture flower. On that site are also a…