1. Jason

    You are turning into Hugh (all be it in a very mild way). What’s next road kill peaches. 😉

    • He actually cooked and ate roadkill in one of his shows, didn’t he? Not sure I’d stoop to that. Although, technically, I have eaten meat from a moose that got killed by a car when I was in Canada – does that count? 🙂

  2. I love the concept of what you’ve done here. And the name of your pastry treat is tops too! Definitely something I’d like to try out. Maybe in a pie though! Mmmmm, pie. There are plenty of Lilly Pilly trees around the Illawarra area. I wonder what could be done with those?? Hmm, the challenge is out 😉

  3. I read the other day that the University of Wollongong Buildings and Grounds people have a policy to plant Aboriginal bush tucker plants around the campus. There are apparently already over 60 bush food trees/shrubs planted. We should find out where they are and figure out how to get them into a pie!

  4. Good thinking. According to the university website, the landscaping department has a legend locating the bush food/shrubs planted. You have inspired me to go out and make a ‘bush tucker’ pie now! Will keep you posted.. (no pun intended 😛 )

  5. looks yummy! our neighbor’s apple tree hangs over into our yard–i should keep better eye on the apples and try to make apple pie!

  6. @Cathy: Yep, if it hangs over it’s “finders keepers”! Although I’m sure the neighbour wouldn’t mind if you made a pie for them as well.

    Apples are also great sliced thinly and laid out on strips of filo pastry. Sprinkle them with cinnamon and sugar, baste with a beaten egg, and bake in the oven until the pastry browns. Serve with a drizzle of honey and maybe some ice-cream. Yum!

    • @Condo Blues: When they’re back in season you’ll have to collect as much as you can, process into stewed peaches, and freeze them! Or preserve in jars. Either way, it’s much better than that commercial sugary canned stuff.

  7. I’m so looking forward to scavenging for free fruit this summer! With blackberries dying on the vine and apples falling off the trees, there really is so much food that goes to waste in the warmer months. I hope to have the luck to find some wild peach trees and try out your fabulous pastries soon!

    Thanks for joining us this week for Thrifty Green Thursday!

    • @Greenbabyguide: Thanks for hosting the Thrifty Green Thursdays! I look forward to each ‘episode’, and often pick up a bunch of useful tips. Fruits and berries can be such a “feast or famine” affair. I’ve been learning more about different ways of preserving them, to extend the deliciousness into the off season. I think that’s the real secret!

  8. Yummy Darren!

    I have just had dinner and now after reading your post I have a sweet craving.

    Thanks for the tip on how to easily remove skin from peaches.

    • @Greenerme: I get that all the time, and over the years I’ve learnt hundreds of ways to whip up a quick dessert with whatever can be scavenged from the cupboard or freezer! 🙂

  9. Hi Darren, I am always looking out for wild fruit trees…I wonder if this peach tree still exists…would they be ripe now? you say lillypilly trees are all over the Illawarra…could you email me, and tell me an exact location of where one is? I normally go up the mountain to get wild apples..but I think I may have left it a bit late now? what do you think? do you know of other wild fruit trees around that are easy to get to?

    • @NellyMary: I can’t remember exactly where this peach tree was, but there are some on Jamberoo Rd between Jamberoo and Kiama, and also some between Jamberoo and Albion Park. There’s some up Saddleback too. They’ve finished fruiting for this year, unfortunately. Once you “get your eye in”, it’s surprising how many fruit trees there are growing on the side of the road!

      It’s too late for most apples now, too – there’s a good one on Abernethy’s Lane just north of Bomaderry. I picked a bucketfull earlier in the year when our pigs were still with us. I do remember seeing heaps of apples along the Hume Highway around Easter time a few years ago, so those ones might still be going up in the cooler climate.

      There are lillypilly trees fruiting right now in the carpark of Jamberoo Pool, as well as along some of the streets (e.g. Tate Place). There are a few around the Wollongong Uni campus too.

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