Drum Master – Illawarra Drum Supplier

My friend [DiscoPig](http://discopig.com/) is getting a new vegetable garden started on the common area in the block of flats where he lives, along with a few of the other residents. He liked my [DIY tumbling compost bin](http://green-change.com/2009/05/05/diy-tumbling-compost-bin/), so we set out to find some suitable plastic barrels.

This proved to be harder than I expected. Last time I looked (8 years ago!) you could get drums from pet feed stores, country stores, etc. Most of them no longer seem to stock them.

A horse-owning friend at work mentioned to us that horse-people get drums for feed from Drum Master Wollongong (actually in York Road, Woonona). A quick web search and we found their details.

It can be a little tricky to find Drum Master, with the construction work going on for the Northern Distributor. [This map](http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=&ie=UTF8&t=h&ll=-34.354903,150.911368&spn=0.002972,0.004141&z=18) should help – they’re on the opposite side of the green-roofed building to the four rust-coloured tanks.

Give them a ring on 0417-420-760 if you’re not sure.

They had 220 litre olive barrels for $25 each that were perfect for the job. We ended up buying two each – perhaps a little overkill, but they just looked so damn useful!

The Drum Master sign on the gate - get that phone number! More drums than you can poke a stick at. Even more drums! A very happy DiscoPig, now the proud owner of two recycled drums.

Remember, if you’re storing water or compost in these drums, you really need to make sure they haven’t been used for any nasty chemicals. Check first!


4 responses to “Drum Master – Illawarra Drum Supplier”

  1. Donna Avatar

    Hi Darren,

    Fantasic,,, i need something like this down at the allotment to store compost… Its great to put a compost bin in the middle of your plot as they are so long to go up and down and around to the compost heap.

    Going down there this morning. NOt much to do there at the min but its nice and peaceful just do a bit of weeding.

    Cheers Donna.

    1. Darren Avatar

      @Donna: Sounds great! I always like being out in the garden after some rain.

  2. Wilson Pon Avatar

    WoW, Darren. It seems like your friend, DiscoPig had decided to join your ally as well, way to go! Honestly, $25 for a 220 litre olive barrel is quite reasonable. 🙂

    1. Darren Avatar

      @Wilson: He’ll have some photos of his new garden on his site soon.