Tag: recycling

  • Sourcing Project Materials On eBay

    See some of my recent scores from eBay, along with tips on how to find the good stuff.

  • Illawarra Freecycle

    FreeCycle is a great way to give a new life to stuff you no longer want, and to divert still-useful waste from landfill tips. Here are some of the useful things I’ve picked up…

  • Weekly Roundup – Outfoxing Foxes

    Various resources for keeping foxes and poultry separated, chook pen designs, fencing, a chicken feeder, and the Australian FeralScan web site.

  • DIY Chicken Processing Station

    A cheap and simple home-made chicken processing station. It also doubles as a very handy outdoor sink for washing vegetables, plant pots and tools.

  • Weekly Roundup – Rooting Hormone, Eco House and Leftovers Recipes

    How to make rooting hormone from willows, frugality in primetime media, eco house and garden, buying/renovating/using your home wisely, River Cottage recipes and a Permaculture Visions tour.

  • Cleaning Up Broken CFLs

    Not long ago I dropped and broke a compact fluorescent lightbulb (CFL) in the garage. D’oh! I had a vague recollection that there’s a procedure you should follow to safely clean up broken CFLs, due to the small amount of mercury inside them. So, geek that I am, I jumped on the computer to look…

  • So What Can We Do With Old TVs Today?

    Photo by http://www.flickr.com/photos/h2oalchemist/ / CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 The proper disposal of ewaste (electronic waste – old TVs, stereos, computers, faxes, printers, etc) is becoming a significant issue. These products contain toxic materials such as lead, cadmium, beryllium and brominated flame retardents. People are upgrading to flat-screen TVs in record numbers, leaving them with huge unwanted…

  • Drum Master – Illawarra Drum Supplier

    My friend [DiscoPig](http://discopig.com/) is getting a new vegetable garden started on the common area in the block of flats where he lives, along with a few of the other residents. He liked my [DIY tumbling compost bin](http://green-change.com/2009/05/05/diy-tumbling-compost-bin/), so we set out to find some suitable plastic barrels. This proved to be harder than I expected.…

  • Swap Lightbulbs For CFLs For Free

    If you live in the Kiama area, you have an opportunity tomorrow to swap up to 6 old lightbulbs or fluorescent tubes for brand new energy-efficient compact fluorescent lights (CFLs) for free. Just take your old bulbs to the Minnamurra Waste and Recycling Centre (the old Minnamurra tip) between 10am and 2pm tomorrow (Thursday 13…