1. Hi Darren, I was told about this when I did the Bokashi course….I couldn’t believe it was free, if you shovelled it yourself…..so having seen this mulch…do you think you could grow veg directly in it…or does it need to compost down more….could you sieve it as you need it? I’m so desperate for good soil for my veg…..

    I too have cardboard down, preparing for a new garden bed….I was thinking of leaving it until winter has passed…then the grass would definitely be dead and gone….The cardboard has been down now for almost a month….Should I be building that bed now, of wait until it is spring I wonder.

    Anyway, great post…I love it when we can inform other locals to what is available. Well done!

    • @NellyMary: Yep, free for the taking! You couldn’t grow directly in it – it’s more of a partially-broken-down mulch than a compost. You could probable sieve it, adding the fines to your veggie garden and using the coarse stuff as mulch under fruit trees. If you did that, I’d make sure the veggie garden gets a dose of nitrogen as well, since the fines won’t be fully broken down and will rob the soil immediately around them of nitrogen.

      I saw that you had cardboard in the front yard. I’d probably wait until late winter before doing anything with those beds – not much will grow until then anyway, and the longer you leave the cardboard down the more likely the grass will be killed off fully. Or are you planning to build mounds/beds on top of the cardboard? You could start that now.

  2. I’m so jealous! If they would deliver that much mulch for that little money, I might get two or three loads. 🙂 I’ve been aching to do exactly what you’re doing, but mulching the beds themselves comes first and we’ve never had the extra time to hit the aisles. Someday…..

    • @Anna: I immediately thought of you as the truck tipped out the compost! This mulch is fairly coarse and woody – it’d be good under fruit trees, but not so great on a veggie garden. There are horse stables just up the road from me, and one day when I get a chance I’m going to introduce myself and see if I can come and get a few trailer loads of stable sweepings. Then I can build some big compost piles, and get plenty of hay for mulching the gardens!

  3. Avril

    I feel your pain! We are about 1/10th the way through moving 30m3 of mulch by shovel & wheelbarrow. Great exercise! We got ours free through the Aussie service Mulchnet, which pairs your request up to local tree loppers looking to dump their mulch nearby. We got 2 truckloads delivered for free. Pretty great! I’m converting about 40m2 of old lawn in a shady spot into a big garden bed using newspaper & cardboard topped with mulch – the tree overhead will take care of mulch “top-ups” for us after this. Hope it works as getting tired of battling Kikuyu..

    • @Avril: Wow, that’s a lot of work! I checked out Mulchnet – I’ll have to give it a go next time. Did your mulch contain much woody chips? Mine didn’t, and I’ve found it broke down faster than I’d have liked. Good if you’re composting it, but not great for making paths or if you want long-lasting mulch cover.

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