An Assortment of Duck and Chicken Eggs

Our chickens and ducks have not been terribly productive in the past month or so – we actually had to buy eggs to get us through Christmas! Free-range, of course. With all the cooking, fry-ups, pavlovas, etc of the festive season, there was no other option.

I’m not sure why the ducks were off the lay, but other people in the area have told me that their ducks haven’t been laying much this summer either. It has been a wet summer so far, and not as hot as it usually gets.

The chicken egg production is down because we have two hens with chicks (they stop laying until the chicks are independent), another one broody, a bunch of ageing layers that just don’t produce like they used to, and a bunch of young pullets that are not quite laying yet.

Things have started to pick up this week, though, with 4-6 eggs per day starting to come in! Below is an assortment of recent eggs:

Working left to right, they are:

  • Chicken egg – 97 grams (yes, bigger than the duck eggs!) – from one of the Brahmas that recently hatched chicks. This one will be a double-yolker. You often get very large double-yolkers or strangely shaped eggs from older hens, especially as they come back into lay after moulting or hatching chicks, as their reproductive system gets going again.
  • Large duck egg – 92 grams. From an Indian Runner duck. They’re not usually this big.
  • Normal duck egg – 67 grams. Again from the Indian Runners, but this is more typical of the size.
  • Barnevelder egg – 61 grams. This is the typical size for our Barnie. Her eggs are a nice light brown colour, with darker brown speckles.
  • Brahma egg – 54 grams. You’d think these hens would lay much larger eggs, given their massive size! Their eggs are much rounder than other breeds’ eggs, very nicely proportioned.
  • Crossbreed egg – 44 grams. I’m not sure who is laying these lovely brown eggs (they’re darker than this picture in real life), but it must be one of the crossbreed pullets. I’m guessing it’s from a Barnevelder/ISA Brown cross, since both those breeds lay brown eggs.
  • Bantam egg – 36 grams. These are tiny, very cute, and kids love them. You need a couple to replace a single egg in a recipe, though.

What I first noticed when opening the commercial eggs we bought at Christmas, was how uniform they all were. I’m so used to seeing lots of different shapes, sizes and colours of eggs together, that uniformity is jarring. It’s the same with home-grown vegies – you get a lot of variation in size and shape, but when you go to the supermarket they’re all exactly the same. Maybe I’m just weird for noticing these things!





6 responses to “An Assortment of Duck and Chicken Eggs”

  1. Anne Avatar

    I’ve been reading your blog for a while and always enjoy other peoples poultry stories. Its never occurred to me to weigh the eggs but am now really curious to do so as we get some monsters. Also did you know that you can freeze egg whites when you have a lot and later they whip up nicely for pavlova’s etc.

    1. Darren Avatar

      @Anne: I like reading about other peoples’ poultry stories too. I get a lot of good ideas for our birds by seeing how others do things. I had read about freezing eggs, but we haven’t tried it yet. I’m checking out your blog now…

  2. Greenfumb Avatar

    Hi Darren,

    we had loads of eggs in December luckily but they have completely dried up now, mainly because we have a mite infestation I think.

    I had to buy eggs this week and I too was struck at how identical they all were. I have a mixed flock of Silkies, Wyandottes, Australorps, Brahma etc and every single egg can be identified as belonging to a particular chook.

    86gm has been my biggest from a RIR/Australorp cross and it was a double yolker, my favourite kind, as I don’t like egg white much.

    1. Darren Avatar

      @Greenfumb: We had mites recently too, but they seem to have cleared up now. Like Donna, I think it was the damp weather. I love the double-yolkers too; it’s like getting a little bonus prize when you open your cereal :-).

      @Darcy: With all their variety, eggs are a multi-layered mystery!

      @Donna: Broodies can be annoying if you have too many, or don’t have space to separate them out. If I had more fertile eggs I’d give you some to raise a batch of chicks!

  3. Darcy Moore Avatar


    I love the photo. Eggs have a mystique IMHO that goes well beyond their shape or size.

    Darcy 🙂

  4. Donna Avatar

    Green Thumb we have just experienced a might infestation too! I think its this wet humid weather. Hopefully i have the situation under control now. Our hens have been laying pretty well. We have two broody hens at the moment that are a pain as they stop the others from going in there to lay.