Category: Event Calendar

  • New Moon Lunar Planting Guide

    The New Moon phase for April 2009 runs from 25 Apr – 2 May. The New Moon is the time for planting above-ground annual leaf and seed crops, as well as flowering annuals and melons in the traditional [lunar planting calendar]( It is also a good time to plant green manure crops and apply liquid…

  • Last Quarter Lunar Planting Guide

    The Last Quarter moon phase for April 2009 runs from 17 Apr – 25 Apr. The Last Quarter is the time of rest in the traditional [lunar planting calendar]( This is not a time for sowing anything, but it is a good time to catch up on weeding, preparing garden beds, and general maintenance. For…

  • First Quarter Lunar Planting Guide

    The First Quarter lunar phase for April 2009 runs from 3 Apr – 10 Apr. The full moon on April 10 is known traditionally as the “Egg Moon”. The First Quarter is the time for planting above-ground annual fruiting crops, green manures and flowering annuals in the traditional [lunar planting calendar]( For information on what…

  • Energy Around The Home Workshop – Kiama

    Come an learn about the energy consuming areas of your home and the actions and changes you can make to save yourself money and reduce your carbon footprint. Topics covered also include solar passive principles and alternative energy technology. To register, please call Byron on 4232 0465.

  • Second Hand Saturday – Kiama

    Venue: Black Beach School Flat, Shoalhaven Street, Kiama. Time: 8:00 am to 12:00 noon You can trade, sell or give away second hand items, instead of sending them to landfill. All residents are welcome to participate in this event. To register a site, call the ‘Second Hand Saturday’ hotline on 4232 0400.

  • Earth Hour 2009

    What began as a campaign to get Sydneysiders to turn their lights off, has grown to become one of the world’s biggest climate change initiatives. Be a part of the [Earth Hour]( initiative and represent the Kiama community by switching your lights off between 8:30pm and 9:30pm on Saturday 28th March 2009. Earth Hour is…

  • Native Plant Propagation Workshop – Kiama

    Learn about seed collection and processing, sowing and techniques such as propagating from cuttings. Participants will receive a kit which will allow them to propagate a small number of a variety of species of native plants. This activity is run by Kiama Council and is available free of charge to Kiama residents only. Bookings are…

  • Cheese Making – Kiama

    In this hands-on, practical workshop you’ll learn how to make Ricotta, Mascarpone and Fetta cheese. Please note this full day course has a charge of $30 per person (this is subsidised from a retail cost of $90 per person). This activity is open to residents of Wollongong, Shellharbour and Kiama Council areas. **NOTE: Unfortunately, this…

  • GreenPlan Sale Day – Wollongong

    Wollongong City Council ratepayers only may purchase up to 50 plants per property at prices as marked until stocks last. Payment by cash, cheque or EFTPOS (no American Express accepted). A rates notice must be produced when payment made. This activity is run by Wollongong Council and is available to Wollongong residents only. Venue: Wollongong…

  • Bushcare Coastal Sunset Walk – Bellambi Dune

    Breathe in the fresh sea air and find out new things as we explore our beautiful Wollongong coastline. No bookings necessary. Walk the walk circular track through the dunes and then south along the cycle track to view the wetland, lagoon and dune, estimated distance of 3.5km with some hills. Wear strong shoes, long pants…