Tag: Australia

  • New Moon Lunar Planting

    The New Moon phase for December 2008 runs from 27 Dec – 4 Jan. The New Moon is the time for planting above-ground annual leaf and seed crops, as well as flowering annuals and melons in the traditional [lunar planting calendar](http://green-change.com/2008/12/11/what-is-lunar-planting/). For information on what to do in the various climate zones around Australia in…

  • Last Quarter Lunar Planting

    The Last Quarter moon phase for December 2008 runs from 19 Dec – 27 Dec. The Last Quarter is the time of rest in the traditional [lunar planting calendar](http://green-change.com/2008/12/11/what-is-lunar-planting/). For information on what to do in the various climate zones around Australia in the Last Quarter phase, check out Aussie Organic Gardening’s [What To Plant…

  • Solar Power On It’s Way!

    We received an email last night from Earth Utility confirming our order for a 1 kW solar power system. They also phoned today to make sure we were kept informed. I’m really happy with their service so far. **WARNING:** Earth Utility appears to be in trouble (updated 28-04-2010). Now it’s just a matter of waiting…

  • Cheap Grid-Connected Solar Power: $2500 for 1 kW System

    If you’re in Australia and have been thinking about getting a grid-connected solar power system, there’s a really good deal right now with Earth Utility. If you order before 15 December 2008, it’ll cost $2,500 installed (after rebates, RECs, etc and excluding utility connection costs). **WARNING:** Earth Utility appears to be in trouble (updated 28-04-2010)…