Tag: silkies

  • We’ve Got Ducks!

    We had been planning to get a couple more chickens once we got our chook run finished. Molly is a bit of a sporadic layer, and the silkies are even less reliable. We figured a couple of good layers would shore up our egg supply so we’d never need to buy any more. Sarah had…

  • First Egg!

    I’ve long watched [other chicken-bloggers report their first eggs](http://blogsearch.google.com/blogsearch?hl=en&ie=UTF-8&q=%22first+egg%22&btnG=Search+Blogs), and now it’s finally my turn! When I came home from work today, I went out into the backyard to have a look at the garden and the chickens, as I normally do. On a whim, I opened up the door to the roost to check…

  • Our New Chicken – A Cuckoo Leghorn

    Since [Molly the rooster moved out to the farm](http://green-change.com/2008/11/13/chicken-quest/), we’ve been wanting to get another chook or two for the chicken tractor. Our three black silkies are just about to come into lay (I’ve been saying that for 3 weeks now!), but we thought it would be nice to get a ‘proper’ layer as well.…

  • Chicken Quest

    We have three silkies at the moment, just about to come into lay. They’re named Seraphina, Luciana and Ro (yep, we’re big Barbie movie fans around here!). We had a rooster named Molly as well (I know, my defense is that you can’t tell their gender as day-old chicks!), but we had to get rid…