Tag: squash

  • How To Store Pumpkins (Winter Squash)

    With proper storage and a little care, many varieties of pumpkins can be kept for 6-12 months without refrigeration. In fact, they get sweeter and tastier the longer you store them!

  • Why Grow Your Own Pumpkins?

    Why would you bother to grow your own pumpkins when they’re so cheap from the supermarket?

  • Home-Grown Pumpkin Soup

    One of our favourite meals on a rainy Sunday is pumpkin soup. It’s dead easy to make from scratch!

  • Hand-Pollinating Pumpkin and Squash

    My article on [hand pollinating zucchini flowers](http://green-change.com/2009/05/20/hand-pollinating-zucchini-flowers/) proved very popular, so I figured I’d post another on hand pollinating pumpkin and squash. It’s pretty much the same principle, but I had the photos so I thought it worth posting. As for the zucchinis, if pumpkin and squash flowers don’t get pollinated they’ll just rot and…