Tag: temperature controller

  • Hovabator Incubator Fridgemate Hack

    A cheap incubator can be turned into something much more accurate and reliable with a simple $50 digital temperature controller.

  • My Chest Fridge Conversion

    I finally got the chance to set up my chest freezer as a fridge a couple of weeks ago, and I’ve been testing it out so I could write up this post. You may recall I mentioned that we had an old fridge/freezer running in our garage as a second fridge. With three young kids…

  • Progress On The Chest Fridge

    My [FridgeMate Mk II](http://mashmaster.com.au/p/365439/fridgemate-mkii-digital-temperature-controller-kit.html) digital temperature controller arrived in the post today. If you are thinking of a similar project, or just looking for home brew supplies, I highly recommend [MashMaster](http://mashmaster.com.au/). I left a question about the FridgeMate for them via their web site, and they answered it within a few hours (and this was…

  • The Great Chest Fridge Conversion Project Begins!

    One of the big energy hogs in our house is our clunky old second fridge in the garage. I measured its energy consumption with the [MS6115 power meter](http://green-change.com/2008/11/27/ms6115-mains-power-meter-review/), and it uses a whopping 2.5 kWh/day! Many Aussie houses have one of these beasts, which is a big reason why the NSW State Government is now…