1. Well done Darren. I still have not gotten to the stage of hatching chicks yet. I would like Felicity to be a bit older before trying this.

    • @Jason: I’d give it a go now – it could be traumatic if you stuff it up with Felicity watching :-). Do you have a rooster? I can’t remember. If not, fertilised eggs are a cheap way to replace your layers as they get older, as long as you plan it 6 months in advance.

  2. Oh how lovely, my Brahma chicks are now 13 weeks old and they are just so gorgeous. That should be a good cross, hopefully you will get the Brahma’s lovely nature and the Isa’s egg producing capacity – not the other way round!

    • @Greenfumb: That’s what I’m hoping for, too! It’ll be interesting to see how they turn out, but there’s no real loss either way. They were surplus eggs that happened to be fertilised, so they were a good trial for the new incubator. In that respect they’re a success already (plus they have the cute factor!).

  3. How exciting, Darren!

    The girls just looked at the pics and made all the appropriate sounds for a 3 and 6 yo, ‘they’re so cute’ and all that.

    Congrats, it is kinda like being a father again!

  4. Congratulations! As you know, we’re still working on crossing that bridge. Glad to see we’re not the only one who failed miserably using the “easy route” of a broody hen.

    • @Avian Aqua Miser: Thanks! I’ve been following your chicken exploits with interest. The chicken waterers arrived here in perfect order – I just haven’t had time to put them together yet. I’ll blog about it when I do.

  5. I’ll look forward to seeing some photos! (In fact, I’m always looking for good photos to post on our chicken waterer site. If you don’t mind me sharing the photos there too, I’d be very grateful!)

  6. How gorgeous are those chooks? And how wonderful to raise them from birth. Our current girls are still scared to death of me (after a year) as we made the mistake of getting them older, rather than younger like our first lot.


    • @Libby: Our current chooks aren’t very tame either. I can catch them when I need to, but they don’t come up and sit in your lap for a pat. We’re planning to spend a lot more time playing with these chicks and getting them used to being handled.

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