Hovabator Incubator Fridgemate Hack
A cheap incubator can be turned into something much more accurate and reliable with a simple $50 digital temperature controller.
A cheap incubator can be turned into something much more accurate and reliable with a simple $50 digital temperature controller.
Our missing hen returns with a pleasant surprise for us – four gorgeous little chicks!
If you’ve got a broody hen, rather than trying to “break her” why not let her raise a clutch of eggs? It requires almost no effort on your part, and is a lot of fun.
Some sad news, I’m afraid – two of the three chicks that Girlie hatched have disappeared. We’d left Girlie and the chicks in the main chicken run, since they had a safe indoor area that the rooster can’t get into (the entrance is just small enough that he can’t/won’t go in). Things had been going … [Read more…]
This story has been a bit of a saga. Remember back when I got Molly the leghorn to go broody and slipped some eggs under her? Well, none hatched. I think it was a combination of inexperienced first-time mother and low fertility rate of eggs. She was sitting on 6 eggs: three exploded in the … [Read more…]
I previously posted asking if anyone had any suggestions on [how to make a hen go broody](http://green-change.com/2010/01/14/how-do-you-make-a-chicken-go-broody/). I got some helpful answers, and did some research, and found a few suggestions: – leave eggs in the nest – put golf balls in the nest, so she thinks they’re eggs – set up a nice quiet … [Read more…]
So, after trying to [stop a chicken from going broody](http://green-change.com/2009/01/07/broody-chicken/) several times throughout last year, now I want her to go broody and she won’t! Late last year we got some new chickens – 4 brahma pullets and a rooster to match. We also acquired 3 unwanted ISA brown layers from a friend. So with … [Read more…]
Help! Does anyone know how to ‘cure’ a broody chicken? Molly (our cuckoo leghorn) has gone broody, and given her way would spend all day up in the roost area of our chicken tractor. The photo shows the roost with the access door open – she gets cranky and pecks me if I try to … [Read more…]