1. Yummy bacon. I am salivating and it is time for bed. Might need a new pillow in the morning. 😉
    So why do you have to use an abattoir in NSW? Up here in QLD, we can just get a butcher to come by, knock off the pigs (cows or any other livestock) and then take them away.

    • @Jason: I tried to find a local butcher who could do home kills, but there aren’t any. The closest I found was a local guy who used to do it, but he said the laws had changed and he was no longer allowed to offer the service.

      If the animals weren’t killed at a licensed abattoir and delivered by licensed refrigerated transport, no butcher is allowed to have the carcass on his premises. It wasn’t clear whether a butcher would be legally allowed to come to our house and cut up a home-killed animal, but I certainly couldn’t find any who would even entertain the idea.

      I could have done it myself (with help), but then the meat isn’t allowed to leave the property. You’re not even allowed to serve it to guests visiting the property! Since there were three families involved, that was not an option.

      It’s also a huge amount of work, and you need some kind of cold room or very large fridge to cool and hang the meat before butchering.

      In the end it cost us $88 per pig for slaughter (including scalding and scraping the skin), refrigerated transport, and butchering. We received all the meat broken down into meal-sized portions ready to freeze.

      That’s a bargain, I reckon!

  2. Donna

    How did you feel about taking the pigs then? I think I would have felt sad.. Even though thats what the pigs were there for in the first place. Thanks heaps for posting about it, its been very interesting to see how the process goes, for when maybe i can do this myself one day… Great Work hope they taste yummy… Donna.

    • @Donna: I wasn’t sure how I was going to feel, especially since I was taking them to the abattoir myself. To be honest, it didn’t disturb me at all on the day. To see other animals coming in on crowded trucks, and knowing how most supermarket pork is bred and grown, our pigs had a great life and that made me feel a little bit proud. Possibly the fact that we’ve been killing and eat our own chickens has made us more comfortable with the idea, too.

    • @Shazbo: I’ve definitely seen other people post photos of Cryovaked meat, but I don’t know of one locally that does it. We froze the meat as it was, and it was fine when thawed. Cryovak would be better if you wanted to store it for longer, though.

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