Category: Growing Food

  • Keeping Cows In The City?

    The Sydney Morning Herald’s “Good Living” supplement today has an article about [HerdShare]( and [Rentachook](, titled [City folk find a milky way]( **HerdShare** runs out of Byron Bay, and facilitates a scheme designed to get around Australian regulations that prohibit the sale of raw (unpasteurised) milk. Instead of buying your milk at retail, you instead…

  • SeedSavers Meeting This Afternoon

    If you’re into home gardening, don’t forget the [SeedSavers meeting]( this afternoon at Dapto, from 3:00 – 4:00 pm. I’ll be there!

  • Upcoming Illawarra Seedsavers Meeting

    I just found out about this on the weekend, and am hoping to get there. Seedsavers groups are a great way to get organic, locally-adapted vegetable plants, as well as to meet like-minded people. Illawarra Seedsavers Network: “Preserve The Future Of Our Food” – swapping seeds and planting material – sharing gardening and seed saving…

  • Garden Planning

    I’ve always wanted to sit down and draw up a proper plan for our garden, but we never seem to find the time. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy, like you’d expect from a professional landscaper. Just a quick sketch to help figure out what you can fit in, and where it’ll all go.…

  • Sydney Water “Love Your Garden” Review

    Yesterday we had our [Sydney Water “Love Your Garden”]( session. For $33, a qualified horticulturalist comes and inspects your garden and gives you advice on its watering needs. Our horticulturalist (let’s call her Linda) arrived bang on time. She was very friendly and knowledgeable, and understood right away where we were coming from. I explained…

  • Kiama Council Composting Workshop

    This afternoon I attended Kiama Council’s Composting Workshop, held at the Girl Guides’ Hall down in Hindmarsh Park. It was run by Josephine St John, council’s Waste Minimisation Officer. What a great event! I had really thought I wouldn’t learn much from this workshop, but I thought it was a good opportunity to meet some…

  • Opportunities

    I didn’t realise it until we signed up for the Sustainable Illawarra Super Challenge, but our local councils and other organisations put on quite a lot of free and low-cost workshops, talks, demonstrations, tours and other events. Just have a look at Sustainable Illawarra’s [What’s On]( page to get an idea. In the spirit of…