Category: Keeping Animals
Jamberoo Dairy Farmers on ABC’s Landline
There was a very good segment on ABC TV’s Landline show last Sunday, How Green Was My Valley, on the challenges faced by dairy farmers as our climate slowly changes. You can watch it online. The first 10 minutes or so focuses on a Victorian dairy famer, and the problems he faces when water allocations…
How To Encourage A Hen To Go Broody
I previously posted asking if anyone had any suggestions on [how to make a hen go broody]( I got some helpful answers, and did some research, and found a few suggestions: – leave eggs in the nest – put golf balls in the nest, so she thinks they’re eggs – set up a nice quiet…
How Do You Make A Chicken Go Broody?
So, after trying to [stop a chicken from going broody]( several times throughout last year, now I want her to go broody and she won’t! Late last year we got some new chickens – 4 brahma pullets and a rooster to match. We also acquired 3 unwanted ISA brown layers from a friend. So with…
We’ve Got Ducks!
We had been planning to get a couple more chickens once we got our chook run finished. Molly is a bit of a sporadic layer, and the silkies are even less reliable. We figured a couple of good layers would shore up our egg supply so we’d never need to buy any more. Sarah had…
Molting Chicken
After [going broody since Christmas](, Molly the leghorn then decided that it was time to molt. When they molt, chickens lose lots of feathers, and new ones grow to replace them. The process requires lots of protein, so they normally stop laying during molting. They look pretty scruffy for a while too. Finally last week,…
Broody Chicken!
Help! Does anyone know how to ‘cure’ a broody chicken? Molly (our cuckoo leghorn) has gone broody, and given her way would spend all day up in the roost area of our chicken tractor. The photo shows the roost with the access door open – she gets cranky and pecks me if I try to…
Where To Buy Chicken Tractors
I previously posted a list of online resources I found useful (for both plans and inspiration) when designing our chicken tractor, but I got a lot of emails asking where people could buy chicken tractors. Not everyone has the time (or tools!) to build something from scratch. You can buy chickens tractors in two main…
First Egg!
I’ve long watched [other chicken-bloggers report their first eggs](, and now it’s finally my turn! When I came home from work today, I went out into the backyard to have a look at the garden and the chickens, as I normally do. On a whim, I opened up the door to the roost to check…
Chicken Sellers In The Illawarra
It can be hard to find chickens for sale locally, especially if you’re after a particular breed. Here is a big list of all the places I found when I was looking: – [Illawarra Mercury Classifieds]( (look under pets, horses and livestock, and for sale categories) – Other local newspaper classifieds (Kiama Independent, Lake Times,…