Tag: free range eggs

  • Weekly Roundup – Woodland Home, Eggs and Grains

    Interesting reading from the past fortnight: a low impact woodland home, the true meaning of “free range” eggs, baked eggs in bread rolls, preventing fruit fly, growing grains in your backyard, and Dirt Girl World for the kids.

  • Playing With Their Food

    I was telling some friends at work about our new chicks, and when I mentioned that we were growing them out for meat they asked if our girls – aged 4, 6 and 8 – knew. To be honest, we’ve been upfront with them since before the chicks hatched. We’ve been clear all along that…

  • Dinner From The Backyard

    We had a great dinner tonight, with almost all of it coming from the backyard! Megan made an awesome baked pumpkin quiche (store-bought pumpkin, and 4 eggs from Molly). The egg yolks made the quiche really yellow, much more than store-bought free range eggs do. The only down side is that now we’ve got none…

  • First Egg!

    I’ve long watched [other chicken-bloggers report their first eggs](http://blogsearch.google.com/blogsearch?hl=en&ie=UTF-8&q=%22first+egg%22&btnG=Search+Blogs), and now it’s finally my turn! When I came home from work today, I went out into the backyard to have a look at the garden and the chickens, as I normally do. On a whim, I opened up the door to the roost to check…