Tag: Kiama Council
Free Energy Monitoring Trial For Kiama Residents
If you want to reduce your energy bills, you need to know what it is in your house that’s using all the electricity. An Efergy energy meter is a great way to do that. The Efergy meter is installed inside your electricity meter box, and transmits real-time energy usage information to a display panel inside…
Kiama Sustainability Advisory Committee – First Meeting
Tonight we had the first meeting of the Kiama Sustainability Advisory Committee at the Council Chambers in Kiama. This first meeting was basically for all the committee members to meet each other, to review our Terms Of Reference, to get a brief overview of current sustainability projects in our municipality, and to figure out what…
I’m On The Kiama Sustainability Advisory Committee!
I got a letter in the mail yesterday from Kiama Council – my application to be on the Kiama Sustainability Advisory Committee was accepted! I’ll be representing the Kiama-Kiama Heights area on the Committee. I was pretty surprised: although I’m interested in sustainability, I’m not a member of any sustainability groups or anything, except for…
Energy Around The Home Workshop – Kiama
This is another workshop I’d have loved to attend, but unfortunately I can’t make it. It would be really useful, given our current efforts to [reduce our high electricity consumption](http://green-change.com/2008/11/14/reducing-electricity-consumption/)! – Date: **Saturday 22 November 2008** – Time: **9:30am – 12:30pm** – Venue: **Girl Guide Cottage, Hindmarsh Park, Kiama** ([map](http://maps.google.com/maps/mm?ie=UTF8&hl=en&ll=-34.668886,150.853647&spn=0.003521,0.004528&t=h&z=18)) Learn which parts of your…
Chicken Quest
We have three silkies at the moment, just about to come into lay. They’re named Seraphina, Luciana and Ro (yep, we’re big Barbie movie fans around here!). We had a rooster named Molly as well (I know, my defense is that you can’t tell their gender as day-old chicks!), but we had to get rid…
I didn’t realise it until we signed up for the Sustainable Illawarra Super Challenge, but our local councils and other organisations put on quite a lot of free and low-cost workshops, talks, demonstrations, tours and other events. Just have a look at Sustainable Illawarra’s [What’s On](http://www.sustainableillawarra.com.au/Whats-On.html) page to get an idea. In the spirit of…