Tag: Kiama
I’m A Living Book!
Tomorrow morning, Kiama Library will be holding a [Living Books session](http://green-change.com/2009/06/12/kiama-living-library-world-environment-day/) with World Environment Day as the theme, and I’m going to be one of the “books”! You may have heard me on ABC radio this morning promoting the event :-). >This is an exciting new project which provides the opportunity for you to meet…
Kiama FutureCare Is Launched!
What a great night Friday night was, with the official launch of [Kiama FutureCare](http://KiamaFutureCare.org). A little over 60 people attended as the Mayor of Kiama, Sandra McCarthy, spoke about climate change, about what the Council has done and continues to do, and about the role that grass-roots community groups like Jamberoo FutureCare and Kiama FutureCare…
Kiama FutureCare Launch Friday Night!
If you live in the Kiama area, don’t forget to come to the [launch of Kiama FutureCare](http://green-change.com/2009/05/26/kiama-futurecare-launch-2/) tonight! If you’re interested in being part of the group, we’d love to meet you and get your details. We know that not everyone has the time to commit to joining every group they’re interested in. That’s OK.…
Kiama FutureCare Launch
Things are gearing up for the launch of Kiama FutureCare on World Environment Day – Friday 5 June 2009. The Sebel Harbourside (the old infants’ school) has been generous enough to provide us with the venue free of charge, and we’ve lined up Kiama Mayor Sandra McCarthy to officiate the actual launch. We’ve also lined…
Kiama FutureCare Update
We had another meeting of the [Kiama FutureCare](http://kiamafuturecare.org) group last night – a big thanks to Edwin from [Little Blowhole Computers](http://www.ironstone.com.au/) for once again offering up his home as a meeting place. Kiama FutureCare is a grass-roots group of motivated community members interesting in promoting the concept of sustainability in the Kiama area. We are…
My First Podcast Interview
Yesterday I met up with Tim Denshire-Key at Wollongong University, and he interviewed me about our participation in the Sustainable Illawarra Super Challenge and our efforts to become more sustainable in an ordinary suburban house. He’ll use the audio in an upcoming podcast. Tim is studying Industrial Design at RMIT in Melbourne, and is currently…
Fridge Buyback Scheme Comes To The Illawarra
The NSW Government has been trialling their [Fridge Buyback Scheme](http://fridgebuyback.com.au/) in Sydney for a while now, and starting next month the scheme will be broadened to include the Illawarra. At this stage it will only encompass the Wollongong and Shellharbour Council areas, but hopefully it will extend to Kiama in the near future. The scheme…
Solar Power Information Nights – Jamberoo and Kiama
Are you interested in learning more about getting grid-connected solar power for your home? You may be able to take advantage of the $8000 means-tested Government rebate which ends 30th June 2009, or the new non-means-tested solar credit scheme starting from 1st July 2009! Jamberoo FutureCare will be hosting two information sessions, in association with…
Earth Hour 2009 In Kiama
[Earth Hour 2009](http://www.earthhour.org) is now less than a week away (Saturday 28 March 2009, 8:30-9:30 pm). I’m proud to see that Kiama Council is once again on the list of supporting councils. Poor old Gav over at The Greening of Gavin is still [trying to get his council involved](http://greeningofgavin.blogspot.com/2009/03/participating-in-earth-hour-2009.html)! I’m not sure yet what we’ll…
Jamberoo FutureCare – My First Meeting
Last night I attended my first meeting of the [Jamberoo FutureCare](http://jamberoofuturecare.googlepages.com/) group. What a great meeting! The members are all very switched-on people, with a wide variety of knowledge and experience in different aspects of sustainability. It was reallly encouraging and motivating for me to meet people like that so close to home. We discussed…