Tag: vegetable garden
Soil Blockers
A couple of years ago I bought a soil blocker with some birthday money. Incidentally, it was way cheaper to get it sent from the US than to buy it in Australia – something like 40% cheaper for exactly the same product made by the same manufacturer. It seems the manufacturer or distributor is not very…
Jamberoo Community Growers – Small Gardens and Chooks
Earlier this year, Megan and I worked with some other local families to start a gardening club called the Jamberoo Family Growers. Unlike traditional garden clubs, this group will have a focus on helping people to grow fruit and vegetables at home, using healthy natural methods and tapping into local knowledge and experience. It will…
Square Foot Gardening Interview – Illawarra Mercury
I was recently interviewed for another gardening article in the [Illawarra Mercury](http://www.illawarramercury.com.au/). My [last interview](http://green-change.com/2009/03/19/my-interview-in-the-illawarra-mercury/) was back in March, on the subject of lunar planting. Unfortunately they don’t put these articles online, so you’ll have to make do with this dodgy scan – click on the image to make it bigger (be warned, it’s a…
Kev’s Patch Update
The “Kev’s Patch” campaign is gaining momentum! I’ve teamed up with a couple of other bloggers (Gavin from [The Greening of Gavin](http://greeningofgavin.blogspot.com) and Julie from [Go Greener Australia](http://www.gogreeneraustralia.com/blog)) to set up a new site promoting the initiative – the [Kev’s Patch](http://kevspatch.wordpress.com/) blog. I love that header image above that Julie did for us! If you…
Kev’s Patch
Have you heard about the [organic kitchen garden](http://www.whitehouse.gov/blog/09/03/20/spring-gardening/) that the Obamas have set up on the White House lawn in the US? Wouldn’t it be great if our Prime Minister did something similar? Peter Cundall and Stephanie Alexander think so, and have both called for Mr Rudd to start a vegie patch. So far nothing…
Backyard Revolution – 60 Minutes Story
60 Minutes recently ran a story titled Backyard Revolution, about the growing (pardon the pun!) movement towards backyard vegie patches. Finally TV stations are joining us in the 21st century, so if you missed it you can watch the story [here](http://sixtyminutes.ninemsn.com.au/article.aspx?id=797223). The story featured one of Australia’s most-loved TV gardening presenters, Peter Cundall, talking about…
Green Manure Crops
A green manure crop is really just anything you grow for a short while and then slash or dig into your soil before it gets a chance to set seed or fruit. Why would you do that? Lots of reasons! It helps by: – increasing organic matter in your soil (increasing nutrient content, aeration and…
Sydney Water Restrictions Madness
Have a read of the [current water restrictions rules from Sydney Water](http://www.sydneywater.com.au/SavingWater/WaterRestrictions/). Kids can run under sprinklers any time of the day, you can hose windows and walls any time, and you can wash your car at any time. You can also leave your hose running unattended to top up pools or fill containers, and…
SeedSavers Meeting This Afternoon
If you’re into home gardening, don’t forget the [SeedSavers meeting](http://green-change.com/2008/11/10/upcoming-illawarra-seedsavers-meeting/) this afternoon at Dapto, from 3:00 – 4:00 pm. I’ll be there!
Sustainable Illawarra Super Challenge Launches!
Last night was the official launch event of the [Sustainable Illawarra Super Challenge](http://www.sustainableillawarra.com.au/The-SuperChallenge.html), the programme that prompted the start of this blog. It was a great turnout, with most of the 120 or so families participating in the Challenge represented. I was excited to see a few familiar faces – people I hadn’t seen for…