Tag: butcher
Processing Meat Rabbits
Rabbits are one of the best ways to supply your family with home-grown meat. They’re easy to care for, economical, and quick to process.
Small Critters Butchery Workshop
On Friday night I attended a workshop to learn how to bone out rabbits, ducks and chickens.
Rooster Processing Day
I processed four surplus roosters last weekend. Having an organised workflow makes the whole thing a lot faster and easier! There are no graphic photos in this post.
DIY Chicken Processing Station
A cheap and simple home-made chicken processing station. It also doubles as a very handy outdoor sink for washing vegetables, plant pots and tools.
The Cost Of Raising Your Own Pigs For Meat
A complete summary of the costs for our first foray into raising our own pigs for meat, from piglet purchase right through to slaughter and butchering.
Home Grown Pork
The pigs finally came home from the butcher. We received back 74 kilograms of porky goodness per pig – that’s a lot of meat to have sitting in front of you!